CPHT Websites provides websites for hypnotherapists who are either studying or already in practice. As it can be quite complex and time-consuming sorting out the domain name / hosting / website creation on one’s own at a reasonable cost, CPHT Websites provides an all-in-one complete website package :
WordPress Website + 1 Free Domain name + Hosting + 1 year’s Technical Support | £590 |
After 1 year Domain name / Hosting / Technical Support renewal costs £59 / year. In short, we create your website and host it on our 1and1 IONOS servers, taking care of your domain name and hosting renewal for a small annual fee, meaning you deal solely with CPHT Websites, and don’t have to set up your own domain name / hosting independently.
Since 2015 we have created over 150 websites and they are all kept up to date with the latest web technology. WordPress websites are very easy to manage and, thanks to the Zoom training session we provide, you will be able to carry out most text/image changes on your website yourself. The website template we create is already optimised as a Hypnotherapy website and comes with a certain number of blank standard pages ready to fill in :

- Home
- About Hypnotherapy
- Treatments
- FAQs
- Testimonials

- Sessions & Prices
- Relaxation MP3
- About me
- Contact
- My Blog
which you can remove / add to as you see fit. Your website will be easy to fill with content and quickly up and running.
Our websites come with the following FREE features :
Domain name : choose the .co.uk domain name you would like to go with your website e.g. angusnewtonhypnotherapy.co.uk. Extra domain names (e.g. .com .org .uk etc) can be purchased at a cost of £18/additional domain name/year. |
SSL Certificate : SSL, short for Secure Sockets Layer, protects your website data from being hacked. Your website address will start with “https”, have a little padlock icon ![]() |
Professional Email Address : with your free domain name comes your own email account to send and receive emails using your professional email address e.g. info@angusnewtonhypnotherapy.co.uk (2GB mailbox storage). |
Responsive Theme : we use the WordPress GeneratePress theme, a Responsive theme optimised for widescreen, laptops, tablets and smartphones alike. Whatever the device used, your website resizes to remain perfectly readable. Responsiveness also improves your Google ranking. |
Contact form : we install a contact form on your Sessions & Appointments page so that clients can send you enquiries or book an appointment. The form is protected by Google ReCaptcha V3. |
Relaxation MP3 : if you have a Relaxation MP3 to give to clients we can add it as a online listen / downloadable MP3 file to your site, protected by password. |
Blog : publishing articles (“Posts”) on your website improves your Google page ranking and your website comes with a built-in Blog page. |
Newsletter sign-up : your Blog also comes with a Newsletter sign-up box so new articles are sent out automatically by email to your Newsletter subscribers. |
Social Media Sharing buttons : each page/post on your website can be shared to Facebook / Twitter / LinkedIn etc (see example at the bottom of this page). |
Social Media Feeds : we set up a Facebook/Twitter/Instagram feeds where applicable to stream your latest Social Media posts (see example on the right). |
PayPal buttons : if you wish to enable credit card payment before or after hypnotherapy sessions using PayPal we can set this up for you on your website (see example). |
Testimonials : we set up a testimonial rotator at the bottom of your homepage, as well as a Testimonial page, to display your testimonials (see example on the right). |
Website Statistics : you have access to your website statistics which will tell you how many people are visiting your site, where they come from (referrals), which pages are viewed etc. |
Google Map : we add the Google My Business “Google Map” of your clinic address to each page (in the sidebar) which is recommended local SEO practice. |
SEO optimization : We install the All-in-one SEO Plugin (leading WP SEO plugin) so you can manually tweak your meta tags SEO title and description on all pages and posts, giving you control over how your site is displayed in Google search results. |
Backup : every day your WordPress and Database files are backed up over a 7 day period to ensure your website content is never lost. |
Online Technical Support : available by email, telephone or Zoom to resolve any issues you may have with the day-to-day running of your website. Extra features can be added to your website upon request – see our Premium Features. |
WordPress Training Session : our websites come with a 1-2 hour online Zoom WordPress training session to get you up and running with managing your site confidently, changing text and images and adding new pages, posts and testimonials. |
Extra features (Popups, MP3 shop etc) can be added to your website at any time – see our Premium Features.
Below is a selection of recent CPHT websites, showing the various designs we can provide. By clicking on the slides you can access the websites directly and check out all the features listed above.
NB: All prices are inclusive of VAT. Prices may be changed at any time without further notice. All quotes are valid for 6 months.